Home Google Google Helpouts to begin appearing in search results

Google Helpouts to begin appearing in search results


Perhaps you remember Google Helpouts, the online video service that connects you directly to an expert like a doctor or computer repair specialist? It launched almost a year ago and we’ve not heard much about it since, but it seems Google is ready to give it another push by promoting Helpout services alongside regular search results.

Google, like any big company hoping to change the world, is very serious about health, and it looks like they want to start doing more on their part to help people get medical advice whenever they require it. The company has apparently started to trial a feature within Google Search that will connect you to a health professional via video chat when looking up symptons. Searching “knee pain,” for instance, would not only give you information about the condition and why it may be affecting you, but might also offer to connect you to a licensed physician who can give you some advice or give you some leg exercises to help alleviate the pain. The feature seems to be activated for a very limited amount of accounts right now so we’ve been unable to give it a spin for ourselves.


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