Google is putting security guards on payroll

Google plans to bring on hundreds of security guards as own employees in a move that could help level the tech industry’s growing income disparity woes in Silicon Valley. Instead of using third-party contracting services, Google will hire more than 200 security guards and give them the same benefits and perks as other Google employees, including retirement benefits, health insurance and parental leave, The Wall Street Journal reported. Google will continue using current security contractor, Security Industry Specialists, Inc., as the company transitions into building its in-house security force.

Google has decided to have security guards on its payroll, rather than have them placed by a contractor, amidst concerns about income disparities in Silicon Valley. The move is likely to put new pressure on other companies in the area to also change their policies on using contract staff in functions like security guards, janitors and cooks. “Building an in-house security team is something we are excited to do. A year ago we in-sourced the Google security operations center and we are looking forward to making these valued positions both full- and part-time Google employees,” a Google spokeswoman wrote via email. The company did not respond to a query whether its policy would be extended to other contract workers. In August, labor organization Working Partnerships USA in San Jose, California, pointed out in a report that Silicon Valley technology companies use underpaid black, Latino and immigrant workers, hired through contractors, as landscaping workers, janitors, cooks and security guards. “These ‘invisible’ workers do not share in the success of the industry which they daily labor to keep running,” the report said.

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