Your mother used to say it all the time.
“Good night honey, don’t let the bed bugs bite!”
And yet Google can’t handle that simple warning.
“jeepers i am not immune from the bedbug epidemic. bedbugs have been found at work.”
Horrible capitalization and spelling aside, that tweet was sent by a marketing employee at Google’s HQ in New York. It seems the company has a small epidemic going on in their sales office there.
The Twitter account that posted the message has been deleted, hopefully the poor guy didn’t get fired for it. A Google spokesperson has this to say on the matter:
“Like several other businesses in New York City, we’ve discovered bedbugs in a small area of our office, we have notified employees and are taking steps to treat the affected area.”
Bedbugs have been swarming the major cities in North America this year with massive outbreaks currently going on in New York and Toronto.
Google don’t have to fight with bed bugs. Bed Bug Bites
Well this is right Google can’t fight with bed bags but bugs are very dangerous for if bugs use to fight people.
Yes I