Google Logo Goes Lo-Rez

Google’s logo has been just about everything at this point. It’s been outer space, it’s been Leo Da Vinci’s drawings, it’s been the Russian ballet, and it’s been every pop culture reference you can name.

Now, employees at Google London have recreated the internet’s most-seen logo using the late 90s’ most cliche image technique: the photo mosaic.

I’m actually quite intrigued by this little video; with no obvious projection method used, did they just number all 884 photographs, or something? Even then, that’s incredibly impressive, and makes me want to try doing up a giant self-portrait or something – out of smaller portraits, of course. I have this blank wall in my apartment, it would be totally rad. I could invite some ladies over to impress, and stuff.

Anyway, if you’d like to see a few close-ups and learn more about the video’s creation, swing by Google’s blog. Or else.

[Via Mashable]


  1. Maybe they created the large photo in an image editing software like Photoshop and then print them in 884 4×6 photos. Hmm, could that be possible?


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