Google may be considering entering the ride-sharing business

Despite the strong relationship that Google has maintained with Uber, it looks like things are starting to go south as the technology giant begins expanding into Uber’s territory. Apparently, Google is toying around with the idea of launching a ride-sharing service like Uber, possibly using the company’s self-driving vehicles. 

The once-tight relationship between Google and ridesharing service Uber has reportedly frayed as the two companies make moves into each others’ territory, a split reminiscent of the tension between Google and Apple over Android. Google senior executive David Drummond — who sits on Uber’s board of directors — has informed the startup’s leadership that Google is exploring the launch of an Uber-like service, according to Bloomberg. At the same time, Uber has partnered with Carnegie Mellon University to open a Pittsburgh facility dedicated to the development of self-driving cars, long a Google research priority, as noted by TechCrunch.

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