Home Google Google+ now allows age and location-based content restrictions

Google+ now allows age and location-based content restrictions


We should always be careful of what we share online. After all you never know who might see your post. Well the good news for those who are active on social media but want to share responsibly, Google has recently updated their Google+ social network and will now be able to let users choose the location and age of the people that can see their posts. Now given that you have to enter your age and location when you sign up for Google+, the new feature will you choose the demographic you want to appeal to. 

Yonatan Zunger, Chief Architect for Google+, has just announced via Google+ that today a pretty substantial new feature is being added to Google+. This new feature, already being dubbed the “PG-13″ feature, allows Google+ users to now restrict their content based on age and location. Lets dive a little more into this new “PG-13″ feature of Google+. Let’s start off with an example, lets say you frequently share your articles you write on your blog to Google+ but they tend to have a few cuss words here and there, obviously you don’t want your younger audience to see these posts. So now, with this new feature, you would opt for your content to only be visible to your followers who are over the age of 18. You could also restrict content in the same way except based on certain countries. This is very useful to certain people, especially those who have legal or regulatory restrictions.


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