Google will donate to charity every time you use Android Pay

I’ve always believed that the best kind of charity is the kind that you can profit from while still helping people out, and it looks like Google couldn’t agree more. In order to encourage people to adopt Android Pay this holiday season, while also donating to charity, Google has decided to donate $1 for every transaction made through Android Pay. The donation limit has been set to $1 million, and the campaign ends on January 1st. All donations will go towards supporting the 6.4 million children in American schools that have special needs. 

In the spirit of the holidays and to boost usage of its Android Pay platform, Google announced a holiday campaign where the company will donate up to a million dollars to support the 6.4 million children in the education system with special needs. Each time someone uses Android Pay, from now until December 31, the company will donate $1 — until it hits $1 million — to special needs education projects. The campaign is a push from Google’s charitable arm,, which is teaming up with the Android Pay team and is an online charity that makes it easy for teachers to post classroom project requests and for people to support them through donations. Once a project is funded, the company ships the materials — ranging from pencils to microscopes — to the teacher. On Black Friday, the Google’s donation will double for every purchase made with its mobile payment system. “Teachers spend nearly $500 out of their own pocket each year to outfit their classrooms with enriching projects and programs,” said Sherice Torres, marketing director for Android Pay, in the blogpost. “Since each student learns differently, let’s support special needs classrooms across the country to make education more inclusive for every kid.”

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