Google will now share monthly reports on its self-driving vehicles

It’s hard to believe Google’s claims that self-driving vehicles are safer than human-driven ones when the company is loath to actually give us details on its drivelers vehicle technology. Google must have realized this, as the company now has a self-driving car project page that will provide details regarding the safety of its self-driving vehicles, as well as a bunch of other information, which will be updated on a monthly basis. 

Google likes to remind us driverless cars are safer than those with humans in control. To prove that point, accidents will now be reported on the self-driving car project page. The site will provide details on the accidents, although it will redact information regarding other drivers. It’s worth note that California law mandates a human driver be in Google’s self-driving car while it’s on the road. Recently, Google’s autonomous car lead Chris Urmson penned a blog post noting humans were to blame for most accidents Google’s driverless vehicles were involved in. Urmson also insisted the fender-benders were a learning experience, as most human drivers never report those types of accidents. The first of these monthly reports looks back on six years of self-driving, where we learn Google’s cars have been in 12 minor accidents. According to Google, “not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident.”

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