Graphene could be used to create super bullet-proof vests

A ballistic test showed that graphene can absorb twice the impact of bullet shots compared to the current material used in bulletproof vests.ย Graphene is a very thin and nearly transparent sheet of pure carbon. It is lightweight, but 100 times stronger than steel. Scientists have been studying the material and its application such as using for the development of air-powered electric generators, screen displays of smartphones and other electronic devices, improvement of electric cars range and power, and more.

When it comes to protecting oneself against bullets, more often than not, Kevlar tends to be the one name that comes into mind. Researchers, however, might just have something better โ€“ touting graphene to be the best material when it comes to the manufacturing of bulletproof armors. Graphene was originally developed during laboratory trials in 2003, where it is not only thin, but close to being transparent as well. This material is said to be pure carbon that is 100 times lighter than steel when weighed.ย Graphene has also been considered to be a whole lot stronger material when it comes to absorbing external forces exerted upon it, and also boasts of the ability to conduct heat as well as electricity. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst realized that graphene sheets could also shrug off bullets that were shot in its direction. In tests performed on graphene, it showed its ability to absorb two times as much force in comparison to Kevlar, and also absorb 8 to 10 times more force than the normal steel.



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