How the internet is being attacked on multiple fronts of falsehood

When the internet started really taking hold as a common method for getting information, many started to profess that it would be the ultimate truth market. Even before crowdsourcing became a thing, people were converging on the internet to discern information, share stories, and promote an ideological information worldview. Then, the trolls came. The hackers hit. The fearmongers found a home. The internet has now turned into a place where you have as much of a chance of seeing false news as you have of seeing real news. How did this happen?

The internet was supposed to be a sort of truth savior. With the world’s information just clicks away, falsehoods would cower in their, well I don’t know where, but they would cower somewhere far away from the light of transparency.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.

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