I know the Steve Jobs story is big, but @techmeme – seriously?

Steve Jobs Techmeme This is huge news. It has been huge news for a while ever since we found out that the co-founder and CEO of Apple was ill. Still, to cover every “tastemaker’s” tweet, every angle, every speculated twist and turn – it’s overkill. Steve Jobs resigned. We knew it was coming. He has pancreatic cancer. The prognosis for this disease is not good. It’s amazing that he has been able to operate at the level he has for so long. But, we knew this was coming. Now that it has, it’s sad, but does it really deserve this much space? /rant

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Connor Livingston
Connor Livingston
Connor Livingston is a tech blogger who will be launching his own site soon, Lythyum. He lives in Oceanside, California, and has never surfed in his life.


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