Alcatel did unveil the sequel to their One Touch Idol X smartphone earlier this year after some alleged images of the handset leaked out alongside the possibility of the sequel beingaccompanied by smart devices, calling it the Alcatel One Touch Idol X+ in order to keep things nice and simple. While the One Touch Idol X+ has already hit different markets outside of the US, it has finally made its way Stateside. There is no idea as to when this particular model will be announced by AT&T, but with an alleged image leak like this, one can only keep one’s fingers crossed with “soon” being the operative keyword here.
Back at CES the Alcatel One Touch Idol X+ was announced with little fanfare, destined for the giant market that is China. Today a friendly tipster sent in a couple pictures and some info about the upcoming AT&T version. It’s no top-tier device, but at the right price it might be interesting. The Idol X+ was announced with 4.2 Jelly Bean, running on a 2GHz octa-core CPU with 2GB of RAM. The Android version has changed, and AT&T’s version will launch with Android 4.4.2. The 1080p 5-inch display hasn’t changed, nor has the fact that there is no LTE support on this model. There is an SD card slot, though, and this test unit came with JBL headphones. We’ve no idea of any dates or pricing, but we’re going to guess soon and cheap. We’re on the lookout for something official from AT&T.
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