Home Apple iOS 8.1 jailbreak is available, but there’s a catch

iOS 8.1 jailbreak is available, but there’s a catch


It has been a long time since there has been some activity on the jailbreak front. Apple has made it quite hard for jailbreak developers to break into the software now, so there’s not much activity now like there used to be before. However some folks are still working on this and a Chinese team has been able to achieve iOS 8.1 jailbreak but not without caveats.

It wasn’t too long ago when the Pangu jailbreak team took the scene by storm with it’s iOS 7.1.x jailbreak tool release. It was quite unexpected because no on had really heard of Pangu prior to the surprise. Turns out the team was very talented and they’re all set to reach another milestone. The iOS 8 – iOS 8.1 jailbreak is set to be released by the Pangu team. Initially the team announced the release of a developer version, but later removed the download link. Either way this is great news for jailbreakers, but the developer version does not install Cydia or other common services. Instead, this is a pure jailbreak that will enable developers to update their tweaks prior to Cydia being available for iOS 8.


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