In June of last year, Apple announced that over 575 million accounts had been created for iTunes. Just 10 months later, they’ve grown that number by nearly forty percent. On the Apple earnings call today, Tim Cook announced that they were just about to surpass their 800 millionth iTunes account. If my quick calculations are correct, that’s a growth rate of something like 710,000 accountsper day.
Apple now has nearly 800 million iTunes accounts, a number that CEO Time Cook described as “staggering” during the company’s conference call today to discuss its March quarter financial results. The last time Apple talked about iTunes accounts was during its annual developers conference last June when the company announced 575 million accounts. “We now have an almost 800 million iTunes accounts, most of these with credit cards,” Cook said during the call Wednesday. “This is a staggering number.” Despite the sharp uptick in iTunes accounts, iTunes sales did show signs of deceleration.