Japanese Researchers Create Tweeting Mouse

Alright, before you read too far into that headline, let me immediately reassure you that we’re not talking about that kind of tweet. Indeed, a mouse that could post inane quips and lulzy links to Tweetdeck would be a marvel of science indeed, but this is infinitely more basic (and infinitely more complex).

Science hath wrought a mouse that quite literally tweets. Like a bird.

The absolutely adorable mouse came about purely by chance, as researchers at the University of Osaka carried out their ‘Evolved Mouse Project’, which had them breeding mutation-prone mice willy-nilly, unsure of what the outcome would be.

The original ‘accident’ mouse has since been bred, leading to a lab full of the creatures which the researchers are now apparently using to try to understand the origins of human language.

I dunno about you, but I want a whole cageful of these little guys.


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