Luxottica claims to be working on the next Google Glass with Google

You may not be familiar with Luxottica, an Italian premium eyewear maker, but you’re undoubtedly familiar with Google and its ill-fated Google Glass project. Rumors that Google is working on a next generation Google Glass have been circling for some time, and have been all but confirmed, and now the CEO of Luxottica is claiming that the company is partnering up with Google on its new smartglasses project. 

Luxottica, a premium eyewear maker from Italy, has revealed that it is working on the next Google Glass with a targeted release in the near future. Earlier this year, it was rumored that Google might have pulled the plug on its Google Glass project after failing sales of the device were suspended. However, the company was quick to refute the allegation and assured that the development of the next version of the product was going on under the leadership of Tony Fadell, the head of Nest home automation products. Speaking at the company’s general meeting, the CEO of Luxottica, Massimo Vian revealed that their partnership with Google for the next Glass is “going ahead”, but declined to give any details about the product or its release date. Luxottica is also said to be involved in a partnership with Intel for a similar product that will be launched in early 2016.

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