MapQuest’s new mobile app may bring the company back into the game

MapQuest isn’t nearly as popular as it was a few years ago, before Google and Apple came to dominate the web mapping industry, but the company is hoping is get back into the game with its new mobile app. The app doesn’t waste any effort with fancy visuals or unneeded features, instead choosing to focus on bringing users what they want in the simplest most efficient way possible.

You might remember MapQuest from 1999, back when you needed a printer to spit out your route before embarking on a road trip. While many of us have moved on to Google, Waze, or even Bing for our mapping needs in recent years, MapQuest actually still commands 20 percent of the mapping space. But the company is hoping some slick new mobile app offerings for iOS and Android will help the mapping icon become a household name once again.

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