Home Microsoft Microsoft makes Sway available to all Microsoft users

Microsoft makes Sway available to all Microsoft users


When Microsoft first introduced Sway, a new online presentation app in the Office family, it was obvious the PowerPoint/Word/web editor hybrid needed work. A lot of work. But the foundation was solid, the idea original, and the necessary work has been put in over the last few months. It’s evolved so much that Redmond feels confident it can open the preview’s doors to all. Previously available on request, after a requisite waiting period for an invite, Sway can now be accessed at this link by anyone with a Microsoft account.

Sway could be a PowerPoint killer, and oddly enough, the free presentation tool is from Microsoft. Sway, currently in open preview and part of the Microsoft Office suite, makes it dead simple to create and share interactive presentations. When you create a new “Sway,” you’re presented with simple cards to add a title and your sections (kind of like slides). You can pull in photos, videos, and other content directly from connected apps (including OneDrive, Facebook, YouTube, Bing, and Twitter), and easily add a different layout to your creation. A “mood” feature let’s you quickly format and adjust the style through templates. And when you’re all done, the Sway is viewable online by anyone with the link. Although there aren’t many templates available yet, Sway promises to be a simpler alternative to PowerPoint. You can use it for family slideshows, school reports, and quick presentations.

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Sal McCloskey is a tech blogger in Los Angeles who (sadly) falls into the stereotype associated with nerds. Yes, he's a Star Trek fan and writes about it on Uberly. His glasses are thick and his allergies are thicker. Despite all that, he's (somehow) married to a beautiful woman and has 4 kids. Find him on <a href="https://twitter.com/SalMcCloskey" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a> or <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sal.mccloskey" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a>,


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