In your gaming experience with the Microsoft Kinect for Windows so far, how do you feel about it? Do you think that the Kinect has a way of influencing the future direction of gaming in the living room, or will Facebook’s Oculus VR be able to have more of a say? Time will tell, but what we do know is this – Microsoft has just unveiled the second version of their Kinect for Windows sensor, where what you see above is a rough sample of the final hardware.
Microsoft is inching closer toward releasing the second version of its Kinect for Windows sensor. On March 27, the company posted images of the new Kinect for Windows v2 sensor itself, as well as the hub and power supply for the device. The second-generation Kinect for Windows sensor looks a lot like the Kinect for Xbox One, except that it says “Kinect” on the top panel, and the Xbox stylized green “x” is a “simple, more understated power indicator,” according to a new blog post. The image of the new Kinect for Windows sensor is embedded in this post above. The new Kinect for Windows hub and power supply are pictured below. The hub, the top image, accepts three connections: The sensor, USB 3.0 output to PC and power. The power supply, which supports voltages from 100 to 240 volts, is the bottom image.