Monoprice has announced its Dual Color Extrusion 3D Printer

If you’re in the market for a 3D printer, you can now buy one from one of the Web’s favorite discount vendors. Monoprice has announced its Dual Color Extrusion 3D Printer. Available for preorder now, the $1,200 unit is available to ship by the end of the month. It’s the Web retailer’s first 3D printer. While there are plenty of 3D printers available for $1,000 or less, the new Monoprice model is one of the more affordable models capable of handling two-color creations.

Electronics retailer Monoprice has announced that it will start sale of its dual color extrusion 3D printer at the end of the month. The printer, which was first shown at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show, is the first 3D printer to be released from the company. The offering marks yet another expansion by Monoprice into other areas of consumer electronics, which has gone beyond its offering of cables into game electronics and music instruments. Features for the Duel Extrusion ABS/PLA/PVA 3D Printer includes the ability to use standard 1 kg, 1.75 mm filaments spools to print layers from 0.1 to about .05 mm. The printer can print up to 24 cc per hour with the extruder reaching temperatures of 482 degrees Fahrenheit. The printing bed will heat up to 248 degrees Fahrenheit.

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