Nest CEO claims that Google will lead in innovation, not Apple

Nest shocked and disappointed many an Apple fan earlier this year when it agreed to get bought out by hated rival Google for $3.2 billion. Now Nest CEO Tony Fadell, a former Apple executive who was instrumental in designing the iPod last decade, has taken a mild swipe at his former employer in a new interview where he insists that Google is the company that will lead the way in innovation for the next decade.

Interesting article in the Sunday Times today about Tony Fadell, Nest and the Google. “I’ve helped to change the world twice with the iPod and the iPhone. I want the chance to do it a third time,” he says. Not sure Sir Jonny would say he has helped changed the world twice. And on the amount of sales of Nests… “Unlike other companies that have been purchased for big, big sums, we have real revenues.” How much? “We’re not saying. But we have sold a lot more than people think.”

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