The fictional Nike Air Mag sneakers from Back to the Future Part II became a reality in 2011, when Nike auctioned off 1,500 pairs to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation. The shoes featured a glowing LED panel, an electroluminescent Nike logo, and a battery that kept them lighted for five hours between charges. There was just one problem — they didn’t lace themselves automatically the way they did in the movie.
If there was one disappointment about Nike’s awesome Back to the Future II Air Mag, it’s that the shoes didn’t have Marty’s power laces (and that they only made 1,500 and neither you nor I own a pair). But Nike designer Tinker Hatfield says that’s about to change—power laces are coming in 2015. The future is here! Yes, as Sole Collector tells it, designer Tinker Hatfield showed up at the Jordan Brand’s Flight Lab space in New Orleans yesterday. When asked about power laces, his answer was pretty unequivocal: “Are we gonna see power laces in 2015? To that, I say YES!”