Home Internet PayPal is no longer processing payments for Mega

PayPal is no longer processing payments for Mega


Mega has always conformed with relevant laws and responded in a timely manner whenever content owners need to have something removed from the site. This hasn’t stopped the website from having a reputation as an illegitimate and shady service. That’s why MasterCard and Visa have been pressuring PayPal to stop processing payments for Mega, which the service has finally done. 

During September 2014, the Digital Citizens Alliance and Netnames teamed up to publish a brand new report. Titled ‘Behind The Cyberlocker Door: A Report How Shadowy Cyberlockers Use Credit Card Companies to Make Millions,’ it offered insight into the finances of some of the world’s most popular cyberlocker sites. The report had its issues, however. While many of the sites covered might at best be considered dubious, the inclusion of Mega.co.nz – the most scrutinized file-hosting startup in history – was a real head scratcher. Mega conforms with all relevant laws and responds quickly whenever content owners need something removed. By any standard the company lives up to the requirements of the DMCA. “We consider the report grossly untrue and highly defamatory of Mega,” Mega CEO Graham Gaylard told TF at the time. But now, just five months on, Mega’s inclusion in the report has come back to bite the company in a big way.


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