Pocket, the read-it-later service that lets you bookmark articles and videos from across the Web to read or watch later, is going well and truly global. Thus far, the Pocket platform has only been available in English. But now, the Android, iOS, and Web app are available in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. More languages will be added soon.
As partial as we are to English, we know people read news articles in other languages. Now it’s possible to save the articles in six other languages in your Pocket. The read-it-later app for desktops and mobile devices now supports articles in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish, Pocket announced in a blog post today. The Internet is hardly a single-language invention. Social networks from Facebook to Pinterest have been seeking to bolster their features in the quest to gain users around the world, while some businesses are looking to understand what consumers are saying about them in many languages. Now it’s a matter of helping people around the world save articles they want to read later in the popular Pocket app.