Home Internet Quotacle lets you create GIFs of your favorite movie quotes

Quotacle lets you create GIFs of your favorite movie quotes


A site called Quotacle might revolutionize the way you whip out movie quotes in an online discussion. It is a searchable repository consisting of over 250,000 lines from 143 movies. What makes it unique is that each entry comes with an embeddable clip showcasing the precise quote, and the ability to transform that moment into a GIF. Currently still in beta, Quoctacle also reveals which references are most popular on the site, while offering the option to procure a random quote from the existing library. It’s clear that more work needs to be done, however. The search feature is still extremely rudimentary and the Quotacle database is woefully sparse compared to existing movie quote search engines like Subzin or even Amazon’s IMDb.

Everybody knows what the first and second rules of Fight Club are. Ditto the identity of Luke’s father. Sometimes, however, a bit of dialogue drops from someone’s lips and just hangs there in your ear canal, undiagnosed. Neither the title of the film nor the context in which this line was uttered break through the clatter of your overwhelmed modern-day brain. Googling might’ve helped, but it also might not have. Instead, this is a job for the movie quote search engine–a thing that now exists. Quotacle is a new go-to resource for getting to the bottom of that thing your friend just said while smiling expectantly. It lets users search through over 250,000 lines of dialogue from 143 movies to find the quote at hand. Typing in “It’s not a tumor,” for instance, turns up the famous quote fromKindergarten Cop wherein Arnold Schwarzenegger debates medical science with children, as well as quotes from two other movies that also contain these words. Of course, glaring, unacceptable omissions also abound. Considering that stoner fans’ incessant quoting of The Big Lebowski has precluded certain Co.Create staff writers’ enjoyment of that particular film, one might assume the programmers at Quotacle would surely add those lines into the mix. But one would be wrong on that score. Oh, well. Que sera, sera–a quote that itself is also not listed here.



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