Fight fire with fire, that’s the idea behind Rapere, a drone that was developed by a team of developers from California. Rapere is a unique kind of drone that doesn’t take readings and measurements or record aerial videos, it’s specially designed to hunt and destroy other drones. Now when you see a pesky drone flying over your home, you don’t have to shoot it, you just send your own drone after it.
While drones can be used for innocuous (and even charming) purposes, they’re also prone to be used in ways that cause headaches for others – flying too close to aircraft and snapping photos of celebrities from the sky, for example. One way to deal with pesky drones rudely invading your space is to just shoot them down, but thanks to a team of California-based developers, there’s a less violent solution: the Rapere, a drone that hunts and takes down other drones. The Rapere (Latin for destroy, drag off or snatch) is the brainchild of a group of developers with experience in the unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) industry. Since the malicious use of drones is inevitable, “there should be an option to thwart it,” according to the team’s website.