Samsung’s Gear Live smartwatch is getting an Android Wear update

Google has begun rolling out its first Android Wear software updates, and it seems Samsung’s Gear Live is top of its list. The Android Wear 4.4.W.1 release brings improvements to navigation and voice actions, and it’s expected to make its way to other smartwatches soon. Recent reports promised that Android Wear updates would be coming soon, and although this certainly won’t be one of the biggest, it’s nice to see Google is already working to iron out some of the platform’s teething troubles before adding new features.

The Samsung Gear Live appears to be getting another over-the-air update from Google. We have confirmed this on our own and other members of our forums have also reported getting the same update. The update changes the version number of Android Wear to 4.4W.1. Google reps stated in an interview earlier this week that this week’s update will “improve the navigation experience and some of the voice action experience.” It’s likely this update will be rolled out to the other Android Wear smartwatches in the next several days. If your Samsung Gear Live has received this update, what changes have you seen, if any?

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