Samsung’s new tech can boost Wi-Fi speeds by up to 500%

Samsung Electronics said it has developed a Wi-Fi technology that can increase data transmission speeds by five times the maximum rate possible with existing consumer electronics devices. The 60 GHz Wi-Fi technology will enable a 1 gigabyte movie to be transferred between devices in less than three seconds while allowing uncompressed high-definition videos to be streamed in real time, the Suwon, South Korea-based company said in an e-mailed statement today.

When it comes to Wi-Fi technology, it’s a tale of two speeds: the theoretical and the actual. Thanks to real-world elements like walls and household appliances, the maximum network bandwidth you see on a router’s box are never achieved – until now, if Samsung is to be believed. The technology giant claims to have developed a 60 GHz Wi-Fi technology that will bridge the gap between theoretical and actual Wi-Fi speeds. Samsung says its Wi-Fi technology will open up the door to data transmission speeds of up to 4.6 gigabits per second (Gbps), or 575 megabytes (MB) per second. This would be about five times faster than the current ceiling for Wi-Fi speeds for consumer electronics devices, which stands at around 866 megabits per second (Mbps), or 108 MB per second.

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