Screenshots of Apple’s “iOS in the Car” system show up on Twitter

App developer Steven Troughton-Smith posted a number of images on Twitter of what appears to be Apple’s upcoming iOS in the Car interface. The files may have been bundled into the recently released iOS 7.1 beta 4, but it is unclear how Troughton-Smith was able to obtain the images, which show a simple iOS 7-style Maps design. When asked for clarification on the origin of the images, Troughton-Smith declined to comment. 

Apple announced iOS in the Car last year, but so far the company’s official web page for the product still sports a “coming soon” message. However, on Tuesday one developer based in Europe tweeted what appears to be an early look at Apple’s in-car system in action.  Posted by Dublin, Ireland-based Steven Troughton-Smith, the screenshots show off several images of the iOS in the Car version of Apple Maps, most likely displayed via the iOS Simulator toolkit that developers use to test apps. Although unconfirmed by Apple, this early look at the in-car version of iOS offers users a peek at a completely different take on the company’s mobile operating system, as well as an early look for for the developers planning to create apps for the new mobile environment.

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