There was no shortage of Samsung hardware at the Consumer Electronics Show on Monday but there was still a lack of software. However, new leaked screenshots from @evleaks suggest that Samsung will soon be releasing a new smartphone UI. This is good news for Android users who have been waiting three years for and upgrade to Samsung’s standard Android overlay.
Samsung introduced a lot of new hardware at the Consumer Electronics Show on Monday, but the real big news might lie in a future software update. Early Tuesday morning, noted (and frequently accurate) insider @evleaks posted a series of images, purportedly of Samsung’s new smartphone UI. Is this the end of TouchWiz? I kind of hope so. TouchWiz has long been Samsung’s standard Android overlay. It’s been around since as far back as Android 2.1, and while it has improved over time, it’s still rather bloated, cartoonish and laggy compared to the competition. And as you can see here, it hasn’t changed much visually over the last couple of years.
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