Today is Thanksgiving in the United States of America, a day in which we count our blessings, break bread with family and friends and take the day to celebrate each other. It is a day we are to forgive the bad within the world and to put aside our differences. People travel from around the world to fill seats at a table that is surrounded by their loved ones, but today is not the only day for good to happen, in fact it happens all the time and is often caught on tape.
We have security cameras added in various locations around the world in the hopes that it will keep us safe or to catch a thief or criminal in the act. It is not too often anyone truly thinks that these same cameras that are there for our protection can capture the good that still exists within our world, but it does and they do.
Today is not only a day to celebrate those who we know, it is a day to be thankful for the common stranger who will buy a bag of chips for a homeless person, a day for hugs, lots of them, a day to praise the good that resides all around us, from those who will risk their lives to save another and others who will protest against hate. Love is not a four letter word, it is in the actions we show onto others that truly resemble a tangible symbol of what love would look like.
We are always made very well aware of the negative side of news that occurs in this world, yet there are good people, kind hearts and thoughtful minds that live everywhere and all around us.
In the following video you will be able to see footage from security cameras from across the globe restore faith in humanity.