Security startup raises $15 million in funding

Adallom, which aims to secure the growing pools of data stored in SaaS systems, now has $15 million in series B funding to boost its sales presence in the U.S. and its R&D in Israel. Most legacy security software vendors focus on perimeter-based defenses,  proxies and  firewalls, but as more corporate data flows into third-party SaaS systems, the data is no longer inside the perimeter to be defended.

Adallom has secured $15 million in Series B funding to boost its sales in the US and its research and development projects in Israel. The company aims to provide security for the increasing data stored in software as a service (Saas) systems, according to GigaOM. Most security software sellers focus on perimeter defenses such as firewalls and proxies. Adallom VP of marketing Tal Klein said the company focuses on protecting data that flows into SaaS systems such as, Office 365, Workday, and Google Apps. Adallom works by monitoring user behavior and warning of anomalous actions in SaaS applications, the report detailed.

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