Before anyone starts attacking me for “traffic envy” or accuses me of turning other blog’s follies into pseudo-news a la Gawker, let me say that I absolutely adore and respect Mashable and all they’ve done for tech blogging over the years. I visit multiple times a day and read over half of the stories they post. I will, however, take the opportunity to point out that the attention that Mashable is paying to Pinterest lately is bordering on obsession.
In the last two weeks, Mashable has posted 25 stories with “Pinterest” in the title. Compare this to similar sites like Techcrunch who has posted 3 Pinterest stories and ReadWriteWeb who has posted 5 and it becomes clear that Mashable sees the photo and video sharing site as something that will become huge.
There was another instance when Mashable gave undo attention to a relatively-small site. It was early 2008 when an insane amount of stories about an emerging microblogging site called Twitter started hitting the social media blog faster than you can type 140 random characters into your status window. As it turned out, the site at the time was tiny compared to other social networks but received equal treatment while their competitors were still focusing on MySpace. It paid off tremendously for the site and an argument could be made that it was the turning point that brought the site up to equal traffic levels with Techcrunch.
Now that Pinterest is the new apple of Mashable’s eye, should we follow their instincts and latch onto it before it becomes commonplace? To all of my fellow tech bloggers out there who don’t want to miss any boats, it’s a safe bet to take Pete Cashmore’s lead on such things. If Mashable is paying this much attention to the site, it’s probably going to get huge this year.
I think Mashable has more Pinterest articles just because it is more heavy on the social media news than the others (IMHO, I think of Techcrunch being more tech, gadget news; ReadWriteWeb more opinion, editorial, content strategy, not the tools… maybe I’m off though). Pinterest is catching attention, so kudos to Mashable for covering it so quickly and effectively. The sooner we establish best practices the better, I think.