Social is coming: what if social media played the Game of Thrones?

There’s but one episode remaining in the fourth season of the popular HBO series, Game of Thrones. You may use social media to post about recent episodes. Now, what if social networks played Game of Thrones? Which families or characters would they be?

It’s fairly obvious that Google+ would be Petyr Baelish. Baelish has quietly been laying plans to change the game and claim his throne. Doesn’t that sound like what Google+ has wanted to do all along against Facebook? Baelish is sometimes overlooked during discussions of major players, but his incredibly deep pool of connections and skillful maneuvers make his ascension to power appear inevitable. While only 3 percent of global social media sharing takes place on Google+, the site boasts 300 million monthly active users. Google can never be counted out.

Casterly Rock sits above the most productive gold mine in Westeros, making the Lannisters the wealthiest family in the Seven Kingdoms. See where this is going? Much like Facebook, the Lannisters use their wealth and power to grow their influence, even managing to put a pureblood Lannister on the throne. In 2012, Facebook made 5,086,000,000 in revenue, and has spent over $22 billion on acquisitions since its founding in 2004.

To see how other popular social networks, including Twitter, Myspace and Tumblr, compare, check out the infographic below!



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