Someone managed to get Android Wear to work with iOS

Android Wear, as one would expect, is only compatible with devices that are running some variant of Android. However, an independent developer has managed to hook up Android Wear to his iPhone which allows his Android-powered Moto 360 smartwatch to receive push notifications from his iOS-powered iPhone 6. 

Google’s platform for wearable devices, Android Wear, is only compatible with the company’s own mobile operating system. Android Wear watches need to be hooked up to a compatible Android device so that all of the features can be used. While Google has hinted in the past that iOS might be supported in the future it hasn’t done so up till now. However an independent developer has been able to get Android Wear working with his iPhone, which as you all know, runs iOS and not Android. Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh, more commonly known in the Android developer community as MohammadAG, has posted a video online that shows his iPhone 6 pushing a notification to the Android Wear powered Moto 360 smartwatch.

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