Sony PS3 3.21 Update Crippling ‘Other’ OS Installs?

The Sony PS3 is highly regarded in the gaming world. Heck, it is even looked upon favorably by the U.S. Military as a number-crunching beast. But it is also innovative in that it allows other operating systems like Linux to be installed. Unfortunately, Sony has decided to kill off that feature for the sake of security.

You’d think that Sony would realize that if a user was willing to go as far as to install a Linux operating system on their PS3 that they would be well aware that things could go wrong — system security could be compromised. After all, any script kiddy could hack into any one of Sony’s laptops too, right?

So why has the company decided to take this feature away from consumers?

Is Sony afraid that a virus could spread and infect PS3s running Linux? Fine, make a statement that if a consumer installs Linux that it will void their warranty or something along those lines. But don’t take that functionality away from everyone!

Of course, users can decline to upgrade and continue running their system the way it is, but it will cost those who decide to do that. Users can ignore the upgrade, not play any games, not access the Internet, but still have access to install another operating system. Or users can install the upgrade, lose the ability to install Linux, and lose functionality that was previously allowed. Regardless, either choice seems wrong.

Many PS3 owners are furious about this, and, trust us, we feel your pain.

[via The Money Times]


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