There are really only two ways you can pay for gas at a gas station. The first is to walk in and pay with cash at the register, while the second is much more simple, requiring you to simply pay at the pump itself using a card. For those of you who don’t think that the second option is simple enough, Chevron has announced a third and even more simple option: Apple Pay. The company announced via Twitter earlier today that Apple Pay support will be coming to pumps sometime next year.
Gas station chain Chevron is planning to integrate support for Apple Pay checkouts at its pumps starting early next year, according to Bloomberg. Chevron has already supported Apple Pay inside many of its stores since Apple’s iPhone-based mobile payment service launched earlier this year in late October. Chevron previously discussed its plans to bring Apple Pay support to its stores when it launched on October 20th, targeting early 2015 with gas pump integration for accepting payments then too. “We are thrilled to innovate in the area of retail fuel transactions by making the customer experience for payment and loyalty as smooth, seamless and secure as possible,” said Glenn Johnson, general manager for Americas products marketing sales and services at Chevron. “Offering Apple Pay to our customers further solidifies our commitment to delivering high-quality products and services while in a secure and convenient manner.”
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