Sprint officially and permanently kills off the Nextel brand

The Nextel brand has been dormant ever since Sprint shut down the iDEN network last year, but in order to put any remaining rumors to rest, the company has made the death of Nextel all but official in a recent interview with FierceWireless. In the interview, Matt Carter, president of Sprint Enterprise Solutions said that he has not heard anything about the return of Nextel.

Sprint has no intention of bringing back the Nextel brand for enterprise customers, despite recent rumors to the contrary, the company confirmed toFierceWireless. In an interview with FierceWireless, Matt Carter, president of Sprint Enterprise Solutions, at first declined to comment on the rumors, and then said that he hasn’t “personally heard anything about that at all.” Sprint spokesman John Votava clarified and was more definitive: “There is no plan to bring back the Nextel brand.” In late December, TechCrunch reported that Sprint might be bringing back the Nextel brand to lure enterprise customers back into the fold. The report, which cited an unnamed source familiar with the company’s plans, said the branding refresh could happen as soon as the first quarter of this year, as part of a larger push to woo business customers.

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