Mouse App for iPad: Because Multi-Touch is SO Yesterday
Anyone who’s familiar with my posts by now is probably aware I’m not a fan of the iPad. Now, let’s not get our lines crossed; Apple is The New Hotness – not to mention The Old Hotness – and Jobs is a wonderful man whom I’d gladly have a beer with. Hell, I’m even typing this post on a Mac Pro! I just haven’t really cared for the iPad up to now.
At any rate, this video was a welcome surprise this morning. Seems there’s an app for jailbroken iPads now tailor-made for people like me – that is, people who wonder why Apple’s flagship device is a giant iPhone, and not more like a netbook. Well, now it’s both! BTstack Mouse enables bluetooth mouse support for your iPad, bringing it one step closer to being the device you hoped it was going to be all along. Just make sure you have, like, a stack of books or something to prop the thing up.
[Redmond Pie, via 9to5Mac]