
Bill giving kids a ‘clean slate’ option on the internet will...

The internet is a dangerous place. It's a jungle full of miscreants, thieves, and scoundrels. It's natural to want to...
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So what are radar detectors? Why is this technology being sold in the market today and most importantly why are...
Getting a ticket for speeding is a fear that most drivers face every day. For 16 percent of drivers this...
Netflix has wanted to go social for a long time. They have been held back by an antiquated law that...
We were so close. A non-controversial bill,  the Video Privacy Protection Act, flew through the Senate and was sent to President...
Facebook and the lawyers suing them over their "Sponsored Stories" advertising platform worked out a pretty sweet deal whereby the...
The words "National Domestic Communications Assistance Center" sound harmless enough. It could be a call center for a tech support...
Do you often feel the sudden urge to text someone?  Do you use texting as your means of communication as...
Ever since Twitter started making a splash in mainstream and social media consciousness in 2008, it has been a major...