The best Nickleback Parody using Instagram
So I pressed play and all of a sudden I heard the best Nickleback song ever… is that possible? Yes, since the entire song is about the photo sharing site, Instagram. The video pokes fun at us hardcore Instagrammers, and oddly enough what they say is true, but that is the beauty of Instagram, it makes us all feel as though we are photographers, doesn’t it?
The Nickleback song “Look at this Photograph” has now been turned into “Look at this Instagram” thankfully by those over at college humor. Most certainly making anyone who enjoys the social site to burst out in laughter, I know that I had a chuckle or two. Don’t be discouraged to watch the video if you are not a Nickleback fan, since the play on words and funny truths is worth listening to, since anyone who has ever used Instagram can completely relate to this video.
Especially those who have ever taken instapics of food (hello foodies), of their nails or toes… uh who hasn’t? It is certainly the best version of the song and should watch with caution since you will most likely get it stuck in your head as I have it now. It will make the song more interesting though when it comes on the radio for you to belt out the lyrics to this parody instead, I sure will.