Thanks to over 20 million students have been introduced to computer science

Just a few short months ago, two brothers launched a website called in an effort to increase participation in STEM education. Two weeks ago, the website began a nationwide campaign called the “Hour of Code” which aimed to to change the perception of Computer Science in the American education system. Ever since the campaign launched, teachers across the U.S. have introduced their students to the basics of computer science through the organization’s coding programs and tutorials. 

Less than a year ago, brothers Hadi Partovi and Ali Partovi launched to help advocate for computer science in the U.S. and increase participation in STEM education by making these subjects more available in schools and classrooms around the country. Today, it seems that what started as a whisper has grown into a roar.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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