Home Gaming The Halo 5 campaign will be twice as long as Halo 4’s

The Halo 5 campaign will be twice as long as Halo 4’s


Halo 5 is going to be one of the year’s biggest releases, and definitely the biggest for Xbox One owners. Plenty of things have been promised this time around, such as more traditional guns and faster paced gameplay, but one of the most notable things is that Halo 5’s campaign will be twice as long as its predecessor’s. This could be good or bad depending on how the levels are designed, because even as short as it was, the Halo 4 campaign did get a bit repetitive so I can only imagine what a game that’s twice as long will be like. 

Andy’s been playing playing Halo 5 at Gamescom and has some interesting takes on the new style of gameplay – faster action and more tradition guns, for example. One thing that stood out though was mention that Halo 5’s campaign is twice as long as Halo 4, a game that wasn’t exactly an afternoon’s diversion. You can find out more in the video which I lifted from Andy’s feature. According to what he was told at Gamescom it’s supposed to be twice as long as the campaign in Halo 4 (which he points out was “was quite a long campaign”). He was also told that things actually started bigger and were cut back. The suspected reason for the length, he feels, is partly due to the game spending time in all three of the Human, Covenant and Forerunner worlds. Watch the video for that and some other facts.

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Sal McCloskey is a tech blogger in Los Angeles who (sadly) falls into the stereotype associated with nerds. Yes, he's a Star Trek fan and writes about it on Uberly. His glasses are thick and his allergies are thicker. Despite all that, he's (somehow) married to a beautiful woman and has 4 kids. Find him on <a href="https://twitter.com/SalMcCloskey" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a> or <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sal.mccloskey" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a>,


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