The iPhone 5S now has an iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak

A video has surfaced online showing a jailbreak solution for iOS 7.1.1, compatible with the 64-bit iPhone 5s. This is the third iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak we’ve seen in a matter of days, although it’s possibly the most impressive yet being that it is for Apple’s premier iOS device. 5 comments jailbreak whiz i0n1c, a.k.a. Stefan Essar, who posted a tweet showing a jailbroken iPhone 5c running both iOS 7.1.1 and Cydia. We also described another solution by fellow jailbreaker winocm who teased a jailbreak on their iPhone 4 — and noted that it could possibly be ported to newer iOS devices if only someone was willing to “put in the effort.”

The last few days have brought news of two private jailbreak solutions for iOS 7.1.1, though neither one appeared to be compatible with Apple’s 64-bit iPhone 5s. That’s now changed, however, and one iOS hacker has indeed been able to jailbreak an iPhone 5s handset running Apple’s most recent iOS 7.1.1 software. First, @i0n1c showed off a jailbroken iPhone 5c running iOS 7.1.1, and then soon after, hacker @winocm demoed an iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak running on an iPhone 4 handset. At the time, she noted that newer devices could be rendered compatible with her solution if somebody was willing to “put in the effort.” Now, a third private jailbreak put together by @blue9057 has surfaced online, and this one is arguably the most interesting yet since it’s compatible with Apple’s iPhone 5s. In a YouTube video, the iOS hacker showed off his work, explaining: “This is what I did on iPhone 5s, with iOS 7.1.1.”

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