Hey, remember the new Commodore 64 that suddenly rose from the ashes earlier this year? This is just about the same thing, only less ugly.
Alright, maybe that’s unfair. This isn’t the belle of the ball, either. Held together with masking tape, the MacBook Air Project is the Frankensteinian result of what happens when you mash a MacBook Air, oldschool Apple keyboard casing, and wireless keyboard/Magic Trackpad combo together. It could be sexier, but it’s fully operational, and that is nothing if not mondo.
“According to geekbench it will give a dual G5 powermac a run for its money…for whatever that’s worth,” says the man behind the project of the device, which runs on a 1.6Ghz Core 2 Duo. Not entirely bad news bears.
Between the Commodore 64 Remix and now this, I’m wondering – why didn’t we think of keyboard computers earlier? Despite the notable handicap of no monitor, they’re altogether pretty nifty devices. It’s like evolution saw fit to split computing into iPad-like tablets, with zero tactile feedback, and these, which are nothing but.
Cye says