Why is it that completely deconstructing a piece of technology is so amazingly cool? We have no idea, but we love to watch!
If you love that, then you have to love the group over at iFixit. They have the time, money, and patience to do the grunt work. Their target: the Nintendo DSi XL.
They took it apart, piece by piece, and they analyzed all the components, and the results are fascinating. Stuff like this is especially cool if you enjoy learning about the elements that go into making a device like the Nintendo DSi XL, or the Sony PS3.
Just don’t ask us to do this to our own expensive gadgets. We tend to prefer them in an actual whole and functioning fashion.
[via Joystiq]
I love to play games on my new Nintendo 3DS. Which has awesome 3D cameras to record 3D content and take 3D images. I like to listen Mp3 songs on my new Nintendo 3DS. Thanks for share the info.
I have had my 3DS for a while now and my wife is always telling me to stop playing it and I am 49 years old!