This holiday season was the best that Amazon has ever had

Having managed to sell over 400 item every second and reaching over 20 million Amazon Prime members, it’s safe to say that this was a great holiday season for Amazon. According to the company, the 2013 holiday season was its best ever. The growth of Amazon Prime is particularly important to the company as it generates a lot of repeat business and customer loyalty for Amazon.

Amazon is exiting the 2013 holiday season with “tens of millions” of Amazon Prime members, according to a statement this morning from CEO Jeff Bezos — signaling that the company has reached at least 20 million members for its $79/year subscription program. Overall, Amazon says the 2013 holiday season was its “best ever,” with more than 36.8 million items ordered on Cyber Monday alone. That the holiday season set a new record isn’t a surprise, given the steady growth in e-commerce sales worldwide. The company didn’t disclose sales figures, so the full impact won’t be apparent until Amazon reports fourth-quarter earnings.

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