Home Internet Traditional media ads are still more trusted than online ads

Traditional media ads are still more trusted than online ads


Newspaper ads are still the most trusted form of paid media in North America, according to a recent Nielsen survey. More than half of respondents say they trust traditional advertising platforms such as newspaper, magazine, TV, radio and billboard. However, all new media platforms mentioned in the survey, including search, online video, social media, mobile display and online banners, received a less than 50% trust rating.

Newspaper advertising is the most-trusted form of paid media advertising in North America. 63 percent of the North American respondents in a global Nielsen survey among 29,000 consumers stated that they trust newspaper ads. Newspapers just edge out magazine and TV ads, which are trusted by 62 and 61 percent of the polled consumers. The most trusted form of paid online advertising is search engine advertising, which is considered trustworthy by just 44 percent of the respondents.



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