When it comes to t-shirts we have all had a fair amount that share quirky, funny or offensive messages, these shirts help us to express ourselves and display a part of our personality. What if you didn’t need various t-shirts to share messages, instead displaying diverse messages on only one t-shirt? Would you want it?
TshirtOS is a collaborative creation by the whiskey brand, Ballantine’s and the clothes company well known for turning t-shirts into technological fashion, CuteCircuit, together they have created what they call the very first “wearable, shareable, programmable t-shirt”. Made of 100% cotton, the tshirtOS is unlike any t-shirt on the market, encapsulating the way we interact with society by sharing our message(s) on our clothes.
The shirt itself has a built in camera (the world’s smallest) made by Omnivision, and measures 2.5 x 2.9 x 2.5 mm with a 32 x 32 resolution, a microprocessor that connects wirelessly to an iOS app enabling your T-Shirt to become your very own techie billboard by sharing content via the Internet. The chest display only runs at 32 x 32, consisting of 1,024 ultrathin RGB LEDs. Audio playback is supported via a headphone jack as well as an ultra-slim PCB with Bluetooth and USB. Believe it or not, it is also washable.
TshirtOS is still in development since its prototype was expensive but the two co-creators are working on making this T-shirt available and affordable to the public, as long as the public wants it. Therefore they are crowdsourcing the web to receive feedback on whether this shirt is what you and your friends would wear.
The abilities with the tshirtOS would allow you to connect to Twitter, Facebook and other sites, social and non-social alike giving us, “the voice of the web”, a t-shirt to share it on. Not to mention the amount of closet space you would save, the tshirtOS is futuristic, bold and exactly what we need.
It is one shirt that will rule them all and change the future of fashion.