Forget trying to be retro-cool by replacing your digital music with vinyl, that’s so 2013. Tumblr believes that this year’s trendsetters will use its throwback dial-a-post service instead. You can now make an audio post on the social network by calling a toll-free number; all you have to do beforehand is link your phone’s digits to your account. Will Tumblr’s new feature be a gimmick for most users? Absolutely.
Tumblr today added a new audio posting feature that lets you dial a toll-free number with your phone in order to post a short recording directly to your blog. We nearly missed the news of the addition because, in typical Tumblr fashion, the company doesn’t exactly describe the feature in detail on its blog. In fact, the post only reads, “Operators are standing by. Call now!”and is accompanied by some goofy video, which seemed like a joke. But according to the video, users can now go into their Tumblr Settings, in order to first associate their phone number with their Tumblr account, then dial 1-866-584-6757 to record the audio. (If you try dialing the number before first configuring your settings, the system says your phone is not recognized and doesn’t allow you to post.)